Kelly Crittenden, PhD
Harrelson Family Professor, Engineering
Program Chair, Mechanical Engineering
Director, ISERC
About Me
I earned my BS and PhD in BioMedical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University in 1996 and 2001 respectively. I have been a faculty member within the College of Engineering and Science at Louisiana Tech since the Fall quarter of 2001. My primary interests are in curriculum design, K-12 outreach, and engineering education research. I am also interested in product design, and as such I help maintain various prototyping labs and spaces on campus.
Book Recommendation
There are no electrons: Electronics for Earthlings by Kenn Amdahl. This is a fun way to think about electronics, not heavy on theroy and equations (in fact, I am pretty sure there are no equations in the book at all). It is more of a novel about the "life" of electrons and their motivations. If you want to think about eletricity from a different point of view, this book is a fun read.
Prototyping Lab
If you are interested in accessing the equipment in the Bogard Hall prototyping lab there are lab monitors who manage the lab times. Check on the door (BH 126) for the hours of operation, and/or how to contact the monitors. The lab houses equipment for 3D printing, laser cutting, milling, lathe work, and waterjet cutting. There is also a small amount of work space and hand tools - just be sure to clean up after you are done! The lab is only accessible when a monitor is present.
General News
Favorite Places
LWTL Webpage
All of the PDF files and more for the Living With the Lab curriculum are housed here.
A place to upload/download things to make. They have open source STLs for 3D printing, vector files for laser cutting, and plans for building all sorts of things.
September 4, 2013
Make is a website (and print magazine) that collects articles of interest to makers.
September 4, 2013
Some Favorite Quotes
The definiton of insanity is doing the same thing over again, and expecting different results
Every artist was first an amateur.
Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
If you think you can do a thing, or think you can't do a thing, you're right.
— Albert Einstein (attributed)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
— Albert Einstein
— Henry Ford