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I most often teach our freshman engineering courses, sophomore level statics and strengths of materials, multidisciplinary senior design, and innovative product design. 
Course Descriptions

ENGR 120 - 2 hours

This is the first course in our freshman engineering sequence, Living With the Lab. As part of this course, students program an Arduino microcontroller to function as a mobile robot, design and build a centrifugal pump, and learn the basics of electronics.

ENGR 121 - 2 hours
This is the second course in the LWTL sequence. As part of this course, students will use the Arduino as the brains of a control system. The students will build temperature and salinity sensors so that they will be able to measure and control the temperature and salinity of a small body of water (or "fishtank"). 

ENGR 122 - 2 hours

This is the final course in the freshman engineering sequence. As part of this course, students will select their own project, and design, build, and demonstrate their own "smart" product. 


MEEN 462 - 3 hours

Design of Machine Elements is a senior level course covering the selection and design of basic machine elements such as brakes, springs, clutches, shafts, threaded components, and welds.

CYEN 130, 131, and 132 - 3 hours each

Living with Cyber courses for Cyber Engineering and Computer Science freshman students. Learn to code Scratch, Python, and some Java on the RPi. 

ENGR 220 - 3 hours 

This course is the sophomore level combined statics and strength of materials course. All engineering majors at Tech will complete this course as part of their graduation requirements. As part of this course, students will learn about static equilibrium, sectional properties, trusses, frames, machines, beams, torsion, pressure vessels, stress concentrations, and finite elements. The big project for this course is to design, build, and test a truss structure. 

ENGR 480, 481, and 482 - 1 hour each

This sequence of courses is our multidisciplinary senior design. Students from a variety of majors join together to form multidisciplinary teams to work on projets with the intent of developing a marketable product. These student teams enter their buisness plans in the Top Dawg New Venture Championship as part of this course. 


ENTR 430 - 3 hours

This is our Innovative Product Design course. As part of this course, students from all across campus join teams to create innovative products. The classes that make up this course are taught by faculty from art, engineering, and business. the students will learn about various prototyping techniques, the basics of business types, branding their product, and logo design among other topics.   

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