Kelly Crittenden, PhD
Harrelson Family Professor, Engineering
Program Chair, Mechanical Engineering
Director, ISERC
MEEN 462
Machine Element Design
This page serves as an archive for my MEEN 462: Machine Element Design lectures, and resources. I usually teach MEEn 462 in the springr, and will add new files to this repository as I create them.
This course uses the 10th edition of Shigley's "Mechanical Engineering Design"

Course Grades are calculated using the following weights.
Course letter grades are assigned on a 10 point scale.
Exam 1 (Shafts and Threaded Elements)
Exam 2 (Weldments and Springs)
Exam 3 (Bearings and Belts)
Exam 4 (Gears and Brakes)
Homework Format: To the left is the required homework format for this course. You are highly encouraged to maintain an organized, and complete notebook containing the solutions to your homework problems. Homework will be primarily handled trough WebWork, but I will expect to see your attempted solutions when you come to my office for assistance with the course content.

Software: You will be asked to use SolidWorks, and MathCAD when completing some of your assignments in this course. You should have both of these pieces of software from your freshman year courses. You do not need to update SolidWorks to the most current version in order to complete the class assignments, but you remember that you can update for free as long as you are a Louisiana Tech student. If you do not have SolidWorks, and/or MathCAD installed on your computer, there is a computer lab on the 3rd floor of Bogard with computers that have both installed.
Exams: There will be three exams in ENGR 220. These exams will all follow the same general outline having 10 short-answer questions followed by 16 multiple choice questions. The short answer questions will be worth 1 point each, and the multiple choice question will be worth 6 points each. There are usually greater than 100 points to be earned on each exam; however, the tests are graded on a 100-point scale - you can make over a 100% on the exams. You will have two hours to complete the exams, be sure to check the class schedule, as some exams are given at night.
Class 1 - Introduction, SolidWorks,
Class 1 covers the first three chapters from the book. The key points are force-components, 2D static equilibrium, and units. It is assumed that you have a strong understanding of trigonometry, in particular the sine, cosine, and tangent functions. In addition, it is assumed that you know how to solve a system of equations.
Class 1 - 2D Concurent Forces
Class 2 - 3D Concurrent Force Systems
Class 2 - 3D Concurrent Forces
Class 2 is a contnuation of the concepts from class 1. This class also covers the first three chapters from the book. The key points are force-components, and 3D static equilibrium. It is assumed that you have a strong understanding of trigonometry, in particular the sine, cosine, and tangent functions. In addition, it is assumed that you know how to solve a system of equations.